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Fadeexad : – Xildhibaanadii Qaranka iyo Wasiiro hore ( Eng.Yariisow ) oo isu bedelay NGO-yo


Xirfada ah in aad noqto mulkiile NGO iyo mashruuc daadihiye waa tabcooyinka cusub ee wakhtigan lagu xoogsado,laguna lunsado dhaqaale lagu soo qaado magac bulshada Somaaliyeed ee colaadaha,abaaraha iyo barakacu saameeyeen.

Waa xirfad qofkii Nairobi-Kenya tagaa uu indhihiisa ku arkaayo kumaanku qof oo soomaliyeed oo subaxii NGO iyo Mashaariic aan dhamaan oo dhaqaale lagu raadinayo la hortaagan xarumaha hayadaha caalamiga ahi ay ku leeyihiin magaalada Nairobi.

Waa xirfad cusub oo aad ku arkeyso shaqsiyaad naftoodi,shaqadoodii iyo qoysaskoodiiba uga tagey,soo dhameyn iyo daba socod mashruuc uga xiran hayad safal, isla markaana si joogta ah u deganoo Hoteeladeeda Nairobi.

NGO iyo mashaariicada aan dhamaan ee ugu dhadhamada fiicani waa kuwa la dagaalanka gudniinka fircooniga ah,dhaqan celinta maleeshiyooyinka,ka hortaga xag-jirnimada,ayaantana waxaa soo kordhay ka hortaga tahriibka.

Markaad fiirsi sida Mashaaricdaa loo qoro iyo sida loogu soo bandhigo hayada caalamiga ah ee ka shaqeeya hawlaha samafalku waa si aad u qurux badan, oo xirfad iyo xeelad sare loo adeegsado, waxaana kuu muuqanysa sida Soomaalidu ugu takhsustay wax isdaba marinta iyo maalin xoogsiga

Lakiin markan waxaa suuqii NGO-yada ku soo biiray xubno Xildhibaano Qaran ah xiligan iyo xubno hore u soo noqday Wasiiro ka tirsan dawladihii Federaalka ee kala dambeeyey.

Waxaa isweydiin mudan in Mudane Jawaari la weydiiyo in xeer hoosaadka Golaha Barlamaanku uu u saamaxayo xubnaha Barlamaanku in ay ku lug yeeshaan hawlaha NGO-yada burcada ah.

Ogow Somalia in ka badan 20 sano ayey tahay horyaalka musuqmaasuqa aduunka.

Halkan ka akhri mid ka mid ah NGO-yada casriga ah ee lagu qaraabto

right-path-1Mustafa Duhulow, CVE Coordinator for Somalia and Eng Yarisow, both former Ministers of Information today met Mr Mohamed Djelid, Director of UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Afric and discussed the Right Path (Tubta Toosan) Initiative for Somalia and ways that UNESCO can contribute to reduce the illiteracy rate which is one of drivers of the radicalization of young people in the country.

Hon Mustafa Duhulow thanked Mr Djelid for his time, his promise to assist the Tubta Toosan initiative and praised the efforts of UNESCO to reduce illiteracy in Somalia. Hon Duhulow said “Education is vital to promote peace and to prevent violent extremism (PVE). Tubta Toosan Initiative understands very well the power of education as it brings light, prosperity, and change to the right path to bring peace and stability.”

Hon Mustafa Duhulow updated the Director of UNESCO on the progress of the Tubta Toosan Initiative as the inclusive process to develop a comprehensive national strategy on preventing violent extremism is underway. Hon Duhulow said that Somalia wants to implement PVE programs and activities that can make huge difference to the lives of ordinary citizens, which in turn can promote culture of peace and stability.

right path

Eng Yarisow stressed the importance of Education and Culture when it comes to promoting peace and preventing violent extremism in the society. Eng. Yarisow said “Somalis greatly value its rich culture and therefore, we must all work together to revive Somali culture, as the role of culture in strengthening resilience of communities is paramount to bringing peace and stability.”

The Hon Mustafa Duhulow, CVE Coordinator for Somalia, calls upon leaders of the Federal Government, leaders of federal member states of Somalia, civil society and leaders of education institutions to take a leading role in the implementation of the Tubta Toosan Initiative, which plans to prevent violent extremism through education. Somali children should be given the opportunity to study and learn instead of joining militias and terrorists groups due to ignorance and lack of knowledge.


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